CMINT source code

Please download the source code from here
cmint_src.tgz After downloading type

tar -xvzf cmint_src.tgz

This will create a directory in the current path called cmint_src. Please refer to the manual for further instructions of compilation and use. CMINT needs GNU scientific library to run. We provide libraries compiled x84 64 bit Linux platform.

CMINT utilities

Please download the source code, usage and outputs of the CMINT utlities from here
utils.tgz After downloading type

tar -xvzf utils.tgz

This will create a directory in the current path called utils. Please refer to the README within this directory to see how to use these utilities.


Reprogramming dataset and configuration files
Hematopoeisis dataset and configuration files
Single tarball for both datasets


The links below have the CMINT modules discussed in our paper. Each link is a tar ball with multiple files. The *_exprtab.txt are the clustered mark data. The *_clusterassign.txt files are the module assignments. The clusterorder.txt specifies the mapping of the CMINT cluster IDs in the clusterassign.txt files to the numbers referred to in our paper.
CMINT modules inferred on the three reprogramming cell types.
CMINT modules inferred with 1 million regions of the hematopoeitic lineage.
CMINT modules inferred on ~20K regions on the hematopoetic lineage.

Single tarball (2.3GB) with code, data, outputs is available here.

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