In means of helping to assist people in frequently asked items, I have created this page to address various topics.
Independent Studies
Independent studies are meant to expand learning beyond what can be accomplished in the classroom. There is a wide array of ways in which this can be accomplished, however students tend to either:
- Expand upon work from another class
- Work on an exisiting research project
- Explore a new area of interest releated to XR, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning or Wearable Tech
Course Offering
I can currently offer indepdent studies in Design Studies, Computer Sciences, or Industrial Systems Engineering. For each of these departments, the course number will vary depending on what type of independent study you are looking for. For example, undergraduate students will register for a different number than masters or doctoral students. Check with your advisor to determine what number works best for you.
Credit Hours
According to federal guidelines, each credit should account for 45 hours of effort. This translates to approximately 3 hours of work per credit over the course of the semester. Additionally, the number of credits translates towards the final deliverables for the course. For a one-credit independent study, a simple show of progress and learning is acceptable as is an exploration that does not result in a tangible outcome. For a three-credit independent study the expectation is that a final deliverable is achieved by the end of the semester. A two-credit independent study splits the difference between these two. I do not offer more than 3 credits of independent study for a single student in a given semester.